Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Lesson-Gospel Principles 7-Holy Ghost

The lesson this week asks us to think about times when the Holy Ghost has helped us grow in our testimony. When I was in my mid 20’s, I had a defining moment. I was married and had two little boys with another baby on the way. My husband worked at a local grocery store as the dairy manager and I was a stay at home mom. We struggled financially. To save five dollars a week seemed impossible. We even used cloth diapers because we couldn’t afford disposable ones. I was also struggling as a mom. I felt overwhelmed by my responsibilities, not sure how to parent these little ones, still trying to figure out who I was, always second guessing what I was doing. It happened to be Easter time and I was watching a movie about the life of Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection. I was extremely moved by this movie. It ended with the image of the actor that portrayed Christ. I remember staring into his eyes and having a deep longing to know Christ, not just facts about His life but to truly know Him. That was a defining moment. I began reading the New Testament. I didn’t understand all that I read but I began to feel hopeful and a feeling of peace. During the year that followed, our first daughter was born and Dave started college in Centerville fulltime while he continued working fulltime. He also became acquainted with a young man who was a member of the church who worked at the grocery story. His name was Richie and he was earning money to go on a mission. After Richie left for his mission he sent us a Book of Mormon and after a few months he sent the missionaries to us. Two months later, we were baptized.

Why was I baptized? When I was taught the principle of the apostasy, it felt right. Finally, I knew why there were so many churches. And it was only logical a restoration would have to follow if the true church were to be found on the earth again. I read Joseph Smith’s testimony and found he was searching just as I had. When I began to read the Book of Mormon, I felt the same peace I felt when I read the New Testament. When I was taught about the pre-existence and the war in Heaven I finally understood my relationship to Christ. I felt a closeness to Him I’ve never felt before. And when I finally prayed to know if the church were true, if Joseph Smith were truly a prophet and experienced what he said he saw, and if the Book of Mormon was true, the warmth and peace and joy my soul felt I cannot fully express with justice. This quote from the lesson explains it better than I can.

“When a manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased. It is the Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force. A manifestation of an angel, or even of the Son of God himself, would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase.” Joseph Fielding Smith

I have since felt of the Holy Ghost many times when preparing and giving lessons, within the sacred walls of the temple, during conference address, sacrament talks, and in those quiet, private moments of searching.

I recently ask this question to Elder Druck. What motivates me to stay true to gospel principles even when it is unpopular to do so and I have to stand alone? As you read his reply, look for the role the Holy Ghost played in his actions.

“My companion, Elder Yamaguchi says it is his Testimony, and I have to agree, I have seen to many things in my life that point to the fact that this church is the only true gospel on the Earth and that God has shown me through the answers to my prayers and by the promptings I have received from the Holy Ghost that this gospel is true, and I can not deny those feelings that I have received based on what others think because their words are no where near as convincing to me that the feelings I have gotten from the Holy Ghost as I have strove to do what I have felt to be right and that has meant standing alone at times, and though I may have been alone as far as the number of people standing by me, I have never been alone because I have always had the companionship of the Holy Ghost to help me through the hard times by its reassurance of the fact that what I am doing is right and that as long as I keep on enduring I will be greatly blessed for my perseverance in standing firm in what I KNOW to be the Truth!”

I invite you to think back on your life and identify when you have felt the Holy Ghost and how it helped to strengthen your testimony and then, if you would be willing, to share your experience with us.

Thank you,

Sister Kathy Geyer

1 comment:

Becky said...

Thank you for your post on the lesson! I was disappointed to have missed it sunday. I too, am grateful for the knowledge we have of the Holy Ghost. On my darkest days the Holy Ghost brings me the light I need to get through.