Monday, September 13, 2010

Branch Relief Society President Thought

I handed out new visiting teaching routes for this month. I want you to know that a lot of thought and prayer went into each of them. On, the church states that the responsibilities of visiting teachers are:
Come to know and love your sisters.
Minister through regular contacts.
Learn of needs and offer appropriate assistance.
Look for specific ways to help.
Share and testify of gospel doctrines.
Notice that it says to make regular contact. There are several ways to contact your sisters-home visits, phone calls, emails and letters, etc. I encourage each of you to pray about your list. Pray about what kind of contact your sisters need. Reach out to those sisters on your list who need your help. Become friends with your sisters. Teach and discuss the lesson each month with them. Ask them about their temporal and spiritual goals and help them achieve them.
When you report each month (, 937-556-4227, 330-310-3622), let us know about how your sisters are doing and if they are in need of anything. Let us know about their goals and how they are doing with them. It’s not about if you did your visiting teaching or not-it’s about your sisters and their needs. If anyone needs help or would like me to do a visit with them-please call me. I would love to go with you. (937-383-2981).
Mindy Zeigler

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