Wednesday, March 11, 2009

FHE Exchange-and free lessons to download!

Here are 3 of my past FHE Lessons you can download and use for your family.
(If you signed up for the FHE exchange it will give you an idea of what is expected out of your lessons.)

-Sign ups for the FHE Exchange are now closed!
-We have 12 people signed up- so those of you participating need to make 12 copies of your FHE (1 for you and 11 to exchange).
-I have a FHE assignment board as our door prize!
-See the rules below.
FHE Exchange Rules
Here's a reminder of the rules:

Meeting Tuesday April 14, 2009 7:00pm
At Mindy's Home

●Each member of the group will prepare multiple copies of one lesson that will be exchanged for the same number of different lessons from others in the group. 12 people signed up.
●Choose a theme for your lesson and report it to Mindy as soon as possible (before our meeting) to avoid duplicate lessons.
●We’ll have a group meeting to briefly explain our lessons to each other and go over FHE ideas. Please try to attend, but if you can not, please give Mindy your lessons before the meeting so she can distribute them for you. There will be a fun door prize if you attend!

Packet Requirements

●Each lesson must be fully reproduced and ready for use for all group members.
●All game pieces must be laminated (no contact paper).
●Everything else must be printed on cardstock.
●Include enough handouts, game pieces etc for at least 6 people (2 adults, 4 kids).
●Please include your name and source of ideas with your lesson.
●Please try to follow the following outline:

Lesson Plans: Each lesson could include the following if applicable:

Objective: This would be a statement to describe what will be learned in the lesson. An example would be “To help family members realize that Tithing is a principle given to us to increase our spirituality and bring us blessings.”
Contents: This would list the materials that are in the folder or envelope.
Preparation: Any last minute preparation or items to gather before giving the lesson.
Scripture/Songs: Include a brief scripture reference. List some ideas for songs that can be used and their page numbers or copies of the songs.
Lesson: Outline it clearly. Keep it short and simple. Make visual aids. Include a story if needed.
Game or Activity: Make a game, coloring pages, puppets etc. Anything that gets the family involved.
Follow Up: A sign or other visual to display during the week to remind the family of the lesson.
Treat: If you have a recipe or idea that goes with the lesson that you would like to share, please include it. (You do not need to include the food items-just the ideas)


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